Modern ufology focuses on mysterious lights on ceres or tales of alien abduction, but this wasn’t always the case, and looking at how the beliefs in the ufo phenomenon have changed or stayed the same can shed light on how culture and belief changes over time. One does not have to believe humans are actually being visited by aliens from another planet to recognize the importance of ufos in human society. Any widespread belief that endures for centuries is worthy of study, and as always, cases exist that can’t be explained away simple superstition.
Inside find cases of ufo’s that still remain unexplained sighting:
This book is a collection of witness sightings at or near the ufo watchtower. Some witnesses were thorough in their descriptions, some were brief. But taken as a whole, you’ll be able to detect some patterns in the sightings, and have some fun doing your own ’investigations’.
See if you can deduce some of the ’known’ explanations for yourself. For instance, a couple of the sightings apparently describe the first starlink satellites going over the valley.