Författare: Nan Ye

Barry Allred is a Research Agricultural Engineer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Agricultural Research Service (ARS) – Soil Drainage Research Unit in Columbus, Ohio. He developed the concept and served as principal editor for the first book devoted to the topic of applying near-surface geophysical methods to agriculture (Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics – CRC Press). He has been active in the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society; serving as President, Vice-President Committees, Editor-in-Chief of the Fast TIMES news magazine, a virtual symposium lead coordinator, organizing two of the society’s conference workshops, and chairing several SAGEEP technical sessions.

2 E-böcker av Nan Ye

Konstantin Avrachenkov & Pawel Pralat: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2019, held in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, in July 2019. The 9 full papers presen …
Asim Biswas & Craig Lobsey: Advances in sensor technology for sustainable crop production
  • Assesses key developments in sensor technology to improve monitoring and management of complex agricultural systems
  • Considers the growing influence of proximal crop sensors in asse …