This book was written to give me three sons & their children an idea of where they came from. Where they go from here is their individual decision. I have tried to touch on things that were influential in making me who I am. It is presented with love.
Om författaren
Although this is not a biography, it is all about me & how I got to be who I am. My three sons were all born in Rogers City. In the process of growing up, they did meet my father & step-mother as well as my brother, Dwite & half-sister, Shelby & half-brother, Norman. They also got to meet Judy & Richard who aren’t mentioned in this book, but who are half-sister & brother to Norman & Shelby. It is a rather confusing family, & I’ve made an attempt with this book to make it somewhat more clear.
I began this story by talking into a portable tape player while driving & just recently decided to transcribe those tapes & add stories & incidents as they came to me. Obviously, I have not related the entire story of my life, but I have attempted to clarify how I got to where I am today. I am now almost 78 years old & live in the country with my two cats, Salem & Sylvester. As I write this, Salem is sitting in from of me & watching as I type.
I have a good life, but there will come a day when I am unable to stay in my own home, & when that happens I will happily move to a Senior Apartment; but I hope it won’t be too soon, as my cats know this as their only home & I don’t believe they want to move. I have been retired for some time now, and keep busy with volunteer work.