A systematic overview of the quickly developing field of bioengineering–with state-of-the-art modeling software!
Computational Modeling and Simulation Examples in Bioengineering provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of bioengineering. It provides the theoretical background necessary to simulating pathological conditions in the bones, muscles, cardiovascular tissue, and cancers, as well as lung and vertigo disease. The methodological approaches used for simulations include the finite element, dissipative particle dynamics, and lattice Boltzman. The text includes access to a state-of-the-art software package for simulating the theoretical problems. In this way, the book enhances the reader’s learning capabilities in the field of biomedical engineering.
The aim of this book is to provide concrete examples of applied modeling in biomedical engineering. Examples in a wide range of areas equip the reader with a foundation of knowledge regarding which problems can be modeled with which numerical methods. With more practical examples and more online software support than any competing text, this book organizes the field of computational bioengineering into an accessible and thorough introduction. Computational Modeling and Simulation Examples in Bioengineering:
* Includes a state-of-the-art software package enabling readers to engage in hands-on modeling of the examples in the book
* Provides a background on continuum and discrete modeling, along with equations and derivations for three key numerical methods
* Considers examples in the modeling of bones, skeletal muscles, cartilage, tissue engineering, blood flow, plaque, and more
* Explores stent deployment modeling as well as stent design and optimization techniques
* Generates different examples of fracture fixation with respect to the advantages in medical practice applications
Computational Modeling and Simulation Examples in Bioengineering is an excellent textbook for students of bioengineering, as well as a support for basic and clinical research. Medical doctors and other clinical professionals will also benefit from this resource and guide to the latest modeling techniques.
1. Computational Modeling of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Nenad Filipovic
2. Modeling the motion of rigid and deformable objects in fluid flow
Tijana Djukic and Nenad Filipovic
3. Application of computational methods in dentistry
Ksenija Zelic Mihajlovic, Arso Vukicevic, Nenad Filipovic
4. Determining Young’s modulus of elasticity of cortical bone from CT scans
Aleksandra Vulovic, Nenad Filipovic
5. Parametric modeling of blood flow and wall interaction in aortic dissection
Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic
6. Application of AR Technology in Bioengineering
Dalibor Nikolic and Nenad Filipovic
7. Augmented Reality Balance Physiotherapy in Holobalance Project
Nenad Filipovic and Zarko Milosevic
8. Modeling of the human heart – ventricular activation sequence and ECG measurement
Nenad Filipovic
9. Implementation of Medical Image Processing Algorithms on FPGA using Xilinx System Generator
Tijana Sustersic, Nenad Filipovic,
Om författaren
NENAD D. FILIPOVIC, Ph D, is a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Head of the Center for Bioengineering at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia. He also leads national and international projects in bioengineering and software development, including joint research projects with Harvard University and the University of Texas. He is a Managing Editor for the Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics and a member of IEEE, European Society of Biomechanics (ESB).