The Enron debacle, the demise of Arthur Andersen, questionablepractices at Tyco, Qwest, World Com, and a seemingly endless list ofothers have pushed public regard for business and business leadersto new lows. The need for smart leaders with vision and integrityhas never been greater. Things need to change–and it will notbe easy.
We can take a first step toward producing better businessleaders by changing some of our own ideas about what it means to’win.’ Noel M. Tichy and Andrew R. Mc Gill have brought together astellar group of contributors from a variety ofperspectives–including General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, and renownedmanagement gurus Robert Quinn and C. K. Prahalad, amongothers–to offer insights that will help build better leaders, communities, and organizations. They show how to present a’Teachable Point of View’ about business ethics that will help allleaders within an organization:
* Internalize core values
* Build a values-based culture across the organization
* Become engaged to teach the same values lessons to theirstaff
* Take action and raise the ethical bar
Successful business leaders must be able to articulate their ownunique Teachable Point of View on business ethics and drive itthrough their organization to ensure that everyone knows theethical line and is neither shy nor silent if others risk crossingit.
A Special Thanks x
Introduction: Teaching Your Values and Ethics Will Plant Them Across Your Organization 1
Noel M. Tichy, Andrew R. Mc Gill
PART 1 The Abuse 21
1 Business Ethics Reality Stunned Americans as Enron, Others Misled Investors and Employees 23
Andrew R. Mc Gill
2 Ethics and Culture of Service Master Sustain Important Values Over Time 53
C. William Pollard
3 Sustaining Business Ethics Requires Teachable Point of View57
Jonathan Ward
4 Business Ethics in Skeptical Times 61
James A. Baker III
5 Peripheral Issues Can Evolve; ’Core Ethics’ Must Be Stable77
C. K. Prahalad
6 We Need Great Leader-Teachers with Great Skills and High Ethics 87
Robert E. Knowling Jr.
7 Ethics ’Honor One’s Self’ In Your Business Behavior 101
Robert Dolan
PART 2 The Aftermath 105
8 Values: The Best Tools to Lead a Large Global Organization107
Jeffrey Immelt
9 Competence Without Credibility Won’t Win in the Long Run125
Anjan Thakor
10 Leadership Dilemmas: Ethical Challenges Can Make or Break a CEO 135
James Hackett
11 Ethics and Fundamental Decisions: The Internally Directed and Other-Focused Mindset 159
Robert Quinn
12 Superstar Entrepreneur Meets Today’s High-Bar Ethics: How Trilogy Is a Very Different Software Company 171
Joe Liemandt
13 Ethics, Virtuousness, and Constant Change 185
Kim Cameron
14 The Best Ethical Choices Come When Long-Term Impact Rules195
Tim Fort
PART 3 The Ethical Future 209
15 Students Meet Ethical Dilemmas in Their Workplace Challenges211
Noel M. Tichy and Six MBA Students
16 Ethical Markets Are Essential for Trust, Global Development231
E. La Brent Chrite
17 Living Beautiful Values Every Day Makes Focus: HOPE Special237
Eleanor Josaitis
18 Corporate Global Citizenship: The Ethical Path for Business247
Noel M. Tichy, Andrew R. Mc Gill
Acknowledgments 272
The Authors 274
Index 281
Om författaren
Noel M. Tichy– author of the best-selling The Leadership Engine and the Cycle of Leadership– isa professor of organizational behavior and human resourcemanagement at the University of Michigan Business School, where heis director of the Global Leadership Program and the Global Business Partnership. His consulting clients have included Citibank, Exxon, General Motors, Hitachi, IBM, Pepsico, Royal Dutch Shell, and other international corporations.
Andrew R. Mc Gill is director of the Global Business Partnership at the University of Michigan Business School, where heis also adjunct associate professor of organizational behavior andhuman resource management. His research focuses on organizationschanging to better serve their customers and he consults widely onthe topic in the health care, financial services, technology, andautomotive industries.