’The Lost Letters’ are the accounts of an ensemble of characters within the four kingdoms: Halyx, Eryx, Venidenn and Thayd. Four rich and diverse lands separated by great walls of solid bronze. At the epicenter of these walls, lies a mysterious golden land, believed to be uninhabitable and shining brightly at all times of the day. Our story begins at the All-Festival, a union of the four kings and their respective kingdoms. One of these, the great king Arsinoe, becomes obsessed with the wonder of the golden lands. In a selfish moment of adventure, he scales the wall to find the unexpected and unravels his own perspective about the truth beyond the wall. As time goes on, the world begins to take a dark turn, and our eyes are opened to the manifestations of corruption, scandal and even the supernatural. ’The Lost Letters’ sheds light on the first decisions of man. As a rebellion breaks, who is rebelling will be called in to question.
Om författaren
Normandy Ortiz & Ricardo Cruz have been friends and writing partners for years. During the process of the “The Lost Letters, ” Normandy from Dallas and Ricardo from Los Angeles, moved to Miami while putting the finishing touches on the book. Multiple sequels are in the works, as long time friends, put Halyxian Productions on the international stage for years to come.