Corinne Ong takes a keen interest in the analysis of public policy tools and instruments in urban water governance—in particular, policy initiatives that seek to influence social behaviors. As an environmental sociologist, she has also researched on, and published case studies and quantitative studies that analyse the impacts of alternative and complementary initiatives, in improving public sensitivity and adaptability to (water-related) climate risks. These alternatives include community-driven ‘soft-path’ alternatives and serious games.
Prof. Cecilia Tortajada has over 30 years of experience on water, environment and natural resources management, agricultural development, and capacity building in the overall context of development. Working at present on impacts of global changes on water resources, environment, food, and societies.
Ojasvee Arora has completed her undergraduate degree in economics with environmental studies. She holds two master’s degrees in ecological economics from the University of Edinburgh and environmental management from the National University of Singapore (NUS). Her interests lie in the intersection of economics and environmental studies with a focus on water management, collective environmental behavior and energy security.
1 E-böcker av Ojasvee Arora
Pawan K. Sachdeva & Asit K. Biswas: Off-Grid Water Supply
This book highlights unique and deeper insights into the operations of off-grid water supply business models and the policy implications that they raise. The two key research questions of the report …