Författare: Palden Gyatso

Palden Gyatso was born in 1933 and raised in a small Tibetan village. At the age of eighteen he became an ordained Buddhist Monk at one of Tibet”s most famous monasteries, Drepung Monastery. Palden was arrested in 1959 after taking part in a non-violent demonstration for Tibetan independence. After a failed escape bid he was starved and tortured. Following his release in 1992, after 33 years of captivity, he fled to India and began to reveal the true extent of the Chinese oppression in Tibet. The Venerable Palden Gyatso now lives in Dharamsala in India. Since his escape from Chinese-occupied Tibet in 1992, he has travelled widely in Europe and the USA with Amnesty and other support organisations. In 1995 he testified at the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. Palden”s autobiography, Fire Under the Snow: True Story of a Tibetan Monk, was published in 1997.

2 E-böcker av Palden Gyatso

Gyatso Palden: Fire Under The Snow
In 1992 the Venerable Palden Gyatso was released after thirty-three years of imprisonment by Chinese forces in Tibet. He fled across the Himalayas to India, smuggling with him the instruments of his …
Palden Gyatso: Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk
“With this memoir by a ‘simple monk’ who spent 33 years in prisons and labor camps for resisting the Chinese, a rare Tibetan voice is heard.” —The New York Times Book Re …