Författare: Pascal Bianchini

Leo Zeilig is a writer and researcher. He has written extensively on African politics and history, including books on working-class struggle and the development of revolutionary movements. He is an editor of the Review of African Political Economy and is the author many books, including A Revolutionary for Our Time: The Walter Rodney Story.

2 E-böcker av Pascal Bianchini

Pascal Bianchini & Ndongo Samba Sylla: Revolutionary Movements in Africa
While the revolutionary leftist movements of the 1960s and ’70s in Europe, the United States and Latin America have been the subject of abundant literature, similar movements that emerged in Africa h …
Pascal Bianchini & Ndongo Samba Sylla: Revolutionary Movements in Africa
While the revolutionary leftist movements of the 1960s and ’70s in Europe, the United States and Latin America have been the subject of abundant literature, similar movements that emerged in Africa h …