Patricia Campbell is an award-winning, certified transformational coach, inspiring speaker, best-selling author, and wildly successful entrepreneur at the forefront of the movement to empower women. From a struggling single teenage mom to a millionaire entrepreneur, Patricia”s determination and resilience have inspired women for over 20 years, helping them break free and build their dreams.Reaching rock bottom at age 37, Patricia committed to creating the life she dreamed was possible; she immersed herself in personal growth and transformation. That journey has lasted over thirty years and led her to study with world-renowned teachers Mary Morrissey, Lisa Nichols, and Claire Zammit of Feminine Power.Sharing the vast wisdom accumulated over three decades of dedicated study, she now facilitates programs and workshops for women to discover their infinite potential and create richly fulfilling lives.She empowers consciously aware women to break through the invisible obstacles and patterns blocking them from stepping into their greatness. Patricia”s extraordinary story of transforming her own life is the inspiration behind her bold mission to teach other women it is possible to create lives they absolutely love! She provides a clear and practical blueprint to become unstoppable.Patricia loves cuddling with her little rescue dog, T-Bear, spending time with her family, and exploring the deeper mysteries of life.
7 E-böcker av Patricia Campbell
Kathryn Pallister: Netflix Nostalgia
Whether it’s ’;Flashback Friday’ or ’;Throwback Thursday, ’ audiences are hungry for nostalgic film and television, and the streaming giant Netflix serves up shows from the past that satisfy this cra …
Paul Stewart & Tommy McKearney: The State of Northern Ireland and the Democratic Deficit
Written to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the GFA, this book argues that the seeds of recent problems were sown in the 1998 agreement. The fiasco of a Renewable Heating Incentive that ove …
Patricia Campbell: Defending the Truth
Satan knows we don’t like to read, especially the Bible, because we will get to know our Father, and he (Satan) would be exposed-a liar, a murderer, and a destroyer that will try anything to keep our …
Patricia Campbell: Never Ever Give Up!
This book is for every woman who has a burning desire to live a life she absolutely LOVES! For every single one of us that has ever had a dream and, despite a million letdowns, still deeply yearns fo …
Patricia (University of Washington, USA) Campbell & David Myers: Redefining Music Studies in an Age of Change
Redefining Music Studies in an Age of Change: Creativity, Diversity, Integration takes prevailing discourse about change in music studies to new vistas, as higher education institutions are at a crit …
Patricia (University of Washington, USA) Campbell & David Myers: Redefining Music Studies in an Age of Change
Redefining Music Studies in an Age of Change: Creativity, Diversity, Integration takes prevailing discourse about change in music studies to new vistas, as higher education institutions are at a crit …