Those starting a science degree at university will want to get the most out of their studies and do well. University is a big jump from school, but this book will help new students to cope with the transition. It will help the reader get the most out of lectures, tutorials and practicals, show how to read effectively and how best to work as part of a team. It explains how to use library databases, find reliable web resources, avoid problems with plagiarism, etc., etc.
Discover the best learning strategies and learn how to present work for maximum marks; find out the best revision and exam techniques.
Studying Science covers all of this and more:
- How to study effectively at university and make the most of teaching
- Making the best use of VLEs
- Presenting work well, including using information technology
- Revision and examinations
- Taking a year out
- The final year and preparation of first job applications
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Excel ,
Power Point and
Access .
1. Starting out
2. Your degree – preparation for a career
3. How to learn in a university setting
4. Making the most of teaching
5. Presenting your work
6. Using computers and information technology
7. Revision and examinations
8. Taking a year out
9. Your final year
Appendix; Index