In this Manual you will learn what is the Credit Score (FICO) but also how to improve it fast. By following the steps-by-steps described in this Manual, you will see your credit score be raised in weeks, something that a lot of people believe is impossible.
It usual to hear people say ’once your score is down, forget it, because it will take months and months until you can recover it. The Credit Bureaus won’t help and they are the main reason because your score take so long to recover …’
Nothing far away from the truth: not only it is possible to start recovering your credit in few week but also you will learn how to use the Credit Bureaus to help you in the entire process.
We hope you enjoy to learn how to demystify the Credit Score as much as we do.
Here we will begin the teaching journey of the High Score Manual. From this simple beginning, a new world with credit in the market will open up for you.
From now on, our journey begins to help you increase your credit score and, of course, assist you in obtaining credit in the market, financing, or acquiring the item you desire. The High Score Manual is a guide that reveals the process you must follow to raise your score again.
Please remember that if you don’t follow the steps we outline here, it is unlikely that your score will improve. Therefore, your contribution is essential.
It’s important to be aware that your results depend solely on you, and this manual is just an initial step for you to start gaining better chances of obtaining credit in the market.