Författare: Peter Membrey

Hailing from the U.K., Peter Membrey has worked for Red Hat, holds a RHCE certification, and worked and taught at a number of educational institutions since the beginning of his career. He knows what Linux users like and need, and hopes that Cent OS will get the kudos it deserves. He lives in Hong Kong and is teaching and consulting on all matters to do with Linux Enterprise networking, while studying for his master”s degree.

11 E-böcker av Peter Membrey

Peter Membrey & Tim Verhoeven: The Definitive Guide to CentOS
Cent OS is just like Red Hat, but without the price tag and with the virtuous license. When belts have to be tightened, we want to read about an OS with all the features of a commercial Linux variety …
Chivas Sicam & Ryan Baclit: Foundations of CentOS Linux
You need to maintain clients, servers and networks, while acquiring new skills. Foundations of Cent OS Linux: Enterprise Linux On the Cheap covers a free, unencumbered Linux operating system within t …
Peter Membrey & Eelco Plugge: The Definitive Guide to MongoDB
Mongo DB, a cross-platform No SQL database, is the fastest-growing new database in the world. Mongo DB provides a rich document-oriented structure with dynamic queries that you’ll recognize from RDBM …
Peter Membrey & Eelco Plugge: Practical Load Balancing
The emergence of the cloud and modern, fast corporate networks demands that you perform judicious balancing of computational loads. Practical Load Balancing presents an entire analytical framework to …
Peter Membrey & David Hows: Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux
Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux will tell you everything you need to know about the Raspberry Pi’s GUI and command line so you can get started doing amazing things. You’ll learn how to set up your new …
David Hows & Eelco Plugge: The Definitive Guide to MongoDB
The Definitive Guide to Mongo DB, Second Edition, is updated for the latest version and includes all of the latest Mongo DB features, including the aggregation framework introduced in version 2.2 and …
Aiken Pang & Peter Membrey: Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal
Use Arrow’s affordable and breadboard-friendly FPGA development board (Be Micro MAX 10) to create a light sensor, temperature sensor, motion sensor, and the KITT car display from Knight Rider.   …
Peter Membrey & David Hows: MongoDB Basics
Need a quick and easy to understand introduction to Mongo DB and No SQL databases? Mongo DB Basics, from The Definitive Guide to Mongo DB, 2E, shows you how a document-oriented database system differ …
Peter Membrey & David Hows: Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10
Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10 will tell you everything you need to know about working with Raspberry Pi 2 so you can get started doing amazing things. You’ll learn how to set up …
Eelco Plugge & David Hows: The Definitive Guide to MongoDB
The Definitive Guide to Mongo DB, Third Edition, is updated for Mongo DB 3 and includes all of the latest Mongo DB features, including the aggregation framework introduced in version 2.2 and hashed i …
Shaun R Smith & Peter Membrey: Beginning Ansible Concepts and Application
Learn the concepts and develop the skills to be a true Ansible artist and use it inside and outside the box. This book applies key concepts immediately while building up your Ansible skills layer by …