Nils Böckler is a member of the graduate college Group-focused Enmity which is founded by the German National Science Foundation and associated with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University. In his Ph D-project (science of education) he deals with patterns of online-hate and online-radicalization with a main focus on juveniles.
Thorsten Seeger is a member of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University. From a background of educational science his main scholarly interests lie in the fields of traumatic childhood experiences, attachment theory, socialization, and violence research. He deepened his knowledge in psychoanalytic ideas and methods during a study stay at the University of Vienna.
Dr. Peter Sitzer has studied science of education at Bielefeld University. Since 2002 he is member of the Faculty of Educational Science at the Bielefeld University. His main research interests are theories of socialization, youth violence, right-wing extremism, media and violence, and cyber bullying.
Wilhelm Heitmeyer is professor of socialization and director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University. His research interests concentrate on violence, social disintegration, right-wing extremism, and ethnic-cultural conflicts. He is editor of the International Handbook of Violence Research (co-edited with John Hagan), and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence (with D. Massey et al.).
4 E-böcker av Peter Sitzer
Nils Böckler & Thorsten Seeger: School Shootings
School shootings are a topic of research in a variety of different disciplines—from psychology, to sociology to criminology, pedagogy, and public health—each with their own set of theories. Many of t …
Tanjev Schultz: Auf dem rechten Auge blind?
Der Mord an Walter Lübcke, die Anschläge von Halle und Hanau, Hass und Gewalt gegen Juden und Muslime – immer wieder erschüttert rechter Terror das Land. Die Bundesrepublik wird die Neonazis nicht lo …
Tanjev Schultz: Auf dem rechten Auge blind?
Der Mord an Walter Lübcke, die Anschläge von Halle und Hanau, Hass und Gewalt gegen Juden und Muslime – immer wieder erschüttert rechter Terror das Land. Die Bundesrepublik wird die Neonazis nicht lo …
Wilhelm Heitmeyer: Rechte Bedrohungsallianzen
Nach Ereignissen wie dem Mord an Walter Lübcke, dem Anschlag in Halle oder den rassistischen Morden in Hanau im Februar 2020 wird regelmäßig darüber diskutiert, inwiefern es sich um isolierte Einzelt …