An assessment of how important the sea was in the development of the ancient world.
How important has the sea been in the development of human history? Very important indeed is the conclusion of this ground-breaking four volume work. The books bring together the world’s leading maritime historians, who address the question of what difference the sea has made in relation to around 250 situations ranging from the earliest times to the present. They consider, across the entire world, subjects related to human migration, trade, economic development, warfare, the building of political units including states and empires, the dissemination of ideas, culture and religion, and much more, showing how the sea was crucial to all these aspects of human development.
The Sea in History – The Ancient World ranges very widely in its coverage, beginning with pre-historical maritime activity and going on to cover not only the classical Greek and Roman Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds but also Africa, Asia and the Americas. Fascinating subjects covered include the migration of the Taíno people in the pre-historic Caribbean, the Athenian maritime empire at its height, the port of Alexandria in classical times, andships, sailors and kingdoms in ancient Southeast Asia.
25 of the contributions are in English; 18 are in French.
PHILIP DE SOUZA is Associate Professor of Classics at University College Dublin.
PASCAL ARNAUD is Professor of the History of the Roman World at the University of Lyon II, Senior Fellow at Institut Universitaire de France and co-director of the ERC-funded Grant Portus-Limen. CHRISTIAN BUCHET is Professor of Maritime History, Catholic University of Paris, Scientific Director of Océanides and a member of l’Académie de marine.
Introduction – Pascal Arnaud (Université Lyon 2, Institut Universitaire de France)
La mer est le propre d’
Homo sapiens – Pascal Picq (Collège de France, Paris)
Maritime aspects of early Andean civilizations – Daniel Sandweiss (University of Maine)
Une approche maritime et archipélique de l’occupation amérindienne des Antilles – Benoît Bérard (Université des Antilles et de la Guyane)
The Taíno of the Caribbean: six thousand years of seafaring and cultural development – Richard T. Callaghan (University of Calgary)
The importance of the sea for prehistoric societies in Western Europe – Barry Cunliffe (Oxford University)
Pêche et interactions entre la Moyenne Vallée du fleuve Sénégal et le littoral atlantique Sénégalo-Mauritanien durant le dernier millénaire BC – Alioune Dème (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar)
The sea and early societies in the Japanese islands – Mark J. Hudson (Mt Fuji World Heritage Centrefor Mountain Research and the Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka)
Développement maritime de la civilisation océanienne – Emmanuel Desclèves (French Naval Academy)
Watercraft at the beginning of history: the case of third-millennium Southern Mesopotamia – Ariel M. Bagg (Ruprech-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
La navigation fluviale sur l’Euphrate au second millénaire av. J.-C. : usages, enjeux et communautés de pratiques – Grégory Chambon (University of Western Brittany)
The development of maritime exchange in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean – Caroline Sauvage (Loyola Maramount University)
Development of maritime trade in the Egyptian world during the Late Bronze Age – Graciela Gestoso Singer (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina)
Les Peuples de la Mer – Pierre Grandet (Institut Français Khéops)
Un événement nautique de la XXVIe dynastie : le voyage de la future divine adoratrice Nitocris de Saïs à Thèbes sous le règne de Psammétique Ier en 655 av. J.-C. – Sydney Hervé Aufrère (CNRS, University of Aix-
Mediterranean ship technology in Antiquity – Julian Whitewright (University of Southampton)
Greek colonization, connectivity, and the Middle Sea – Carla Antonaccio (Duke University)
Les infrastructures portuaires antiques – Pascal Arnaud (Université Lyon 2, Institut Universitaire de France)
Alexandria and the sea in Hellenistic and Roman times – Emad Khalil (Alexandria University)
The development of Roman maritime trade after the Second Punic War – Michele Stefanile (Università di Napoli)
La mer et l’approvisionnement de la ville de Rome – Catherine Virlouvet (École Française de Rome)
The Roman Empire and the seas – Phyllis Culham (US Naval Academy, Annapolis)
Les techniques de pêche dans l’Antiquité – Arnaud Zucker (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
The consumption of salted fish in the Roman Empire – Benedict Lowe (Maynooth University)
Taxing the sea – Nicholas Purcell (University of Oxford)
Les détroits méditerranéens dans la construction de l’image de la mer Intérieure dans l’Antiquité – Arthur Haushalter (Casa Velazquez, Madrid)
Ancient sea routes in the Black Sea – Sergey Saprykin (Moscow State University)
Maritime risk and ritual responses: sailing with the gods in the Ancient Mediterranean – Sandra Blakely (Emory University)
La mer, vecteur d’expansion du christianisme au Ier siècle – Chantal Reynier (Facultés jésuites de Paris, Centre Sèvres)
Maritime military practices in the pre-Phoenician Levant – Juan-Pablo Vita (Spanish National Research Council, Madrid)
La naissance des flottes en Egée – Jean-Nicolas Corvisier (University of Artois)
The Athenian maritime empire of fifth century BC – Philip de Souza (University College Dublin)
Financial, human, material and economic resources required to build and operate navies in the classical Greek world – Vincent Gabrielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Les expéditions athéniennes en Sicile, ou la difficulté pour une marine de garder sa supériorité – Daniel Battesti (University of Franche-Comté) & Laurène Leclercq (University of Franche-Comté)
Pourquoi Alexandre le Grand a-t-il choisi de licencier sa flotte à Milet? – Olivier Battistini (University of Corsica)
Hellenistic and Roman republican naval warfare technology – William M. Murray (University of South Florida)
La marine de guerre romaine de 284 à 363 – Yann Le Bohec (University Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Rome and the Vandals – Andrew Merrills (University of Leicester)
L’océan Indien dans l’Antiquité: science, commerce et géopolitique – Didier Marcotte (University of Rheims)
Ancient seafaring in Eastern African Indian Ocean waters – Felix Chami (University of Dar es Salam)
Early China and the Indian Ocean Networks – Tansen Sen (Baruch College, City University of New York)
The mobility of people and ideas on the seas of Ancient India – Fabrizia Baldissera (Università degli studi di Firenze)
Ships, sailors and kingdoms of Ancient Southeast Asia – John Miksic (National University of Singapore)
La violence maritime comme reflet du contexte géopolitique : une piraterie sui generis dans l’Asie du Sud-est des premières cités-entrepôts indianisées – Eric Frécon (French École Navale)
Conclusion – Pascal Arnaud (Université Lyon 2, Institut Universitaire de France)