Författare: Philippe Negrel

Philippe QUEVAUVILLER is a member of the Water & Marine Unit of the EC Environment Directorate-General where he is responsible for the development and implementation of a new Groundwater Directive which will complement the existing water policy framework. He has worked as a researcher in marine geochemistry for over 20 years during which he has published more than 200 papers in the international literature and several books linked to environmental quality measurements. He is also a part-time professor at the K.U. Leuven teaching ”water quality and treatment”.

3 E-böcker av Philippe Negrel

Philippe Quevauviller: Water System Science and Policy Interfacing
Recent discussions among scientists and policy-makers have highlighted that knowledge generated by many research and demonstration projects is not reaching policymakers in an efficient way. Conversel …
Philippe Quevauviller: Groundwater Science and Policy
Until recently, focus on groundwater mainly concerned its use as drinking water and as an important resource for industry (e.g. cooling waters) and agriculture (irrigation). It has, however, become i …
Werner Brack & Jos Brils: Risk-Informed Management of European River Basins
The growing impacts of economic activities and climate change on the conditions of rivers throughout the world, require a new, integrated approach towards river basin management, an approach that can …