The imperial warfare of the period 1770-1830, including the American wars of independence and the Napoleonic wars, affected every continent. Covering southern India, the Caribbean, North and South America, and southern Africa, this volume explores the impact of revolutionary wars and how people’s identities were shaped by their experiences.
Maps and Illustrations Series Foreword Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors List of Abbreviations Introduction: War, Empire and Slavery, 1770–1830; R.Bessel , N.Guyatt & J.Rendall PART I: A WORLD IN UPHEAVAL The ’Revolutionary Age’ in the Wider World, c. 1790–1830; C.A.Bayly The Revolutionary Abolitionists of Haiti; L.Dubois Race and Slavery in the Making of Arab France, 1802–1815; I.Coller The Making of Warriors: The Militarization of the Rio de la Plata, 1806–1807; A.Rabinovich PART II: FREEDOM AND CAPTIVITY The French Conspiracy: Paranoia and Opportunism on the Eve of Independence in Buenos Aires; L.L.Johnson Armed with Swords and Ostrich Feathers: Militarism and Cultural Revolution in the Cape Slave Uprising of 1808; N.Worden Jacques-Pierre Brissot and the Fate of Atlantic Antislavery during the Age of Revolutionary Wars; M-J.Rossignol Borderlands of Empire, Borderlands of Race; J.Winch PART III: IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCE The French Revolutionary Wars in the Spanish American Imagination, 1810–1830; R.Earle Old Subjects, New Subjects, and Non-Subjects: Silences and Subjecthood in Late Eighteenth-Century Grenada; C.Anderson The Russian Empire: Military Encounters and National Identity; J.Hartley War, Empire, and the ’Other’: Iranian-European Encounters in the ’Napoleonic’ Era’; Groot Patriotism, Painting and the Portuguese Empire during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars; F.Vlachou Index
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CAITLIN ANDERSON Visiting Fellow at the Center for History and Economics, Harvard University, USA C. A. BAYLY Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History, University of Cambridge, UK IAN COLLER Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia LAURENT DUBOIS Professor of History, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA REBECCA EARLE History Department, University of Warwick, UK JOANNA DE GROOT Senior Lecturer in History, University of York, UK JANET HARTLEY Professor of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK LYMAN L. JOHNSON Professor of History and Latin American Studies, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA ALEJANDRO M. RABINOVICH Doctoral candidate, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France MARIE-JEANNE ROSSIGNOL Professor in American Studies, the University Paris Diderot, France FOTEINI VLACHOU Doctoral candidate, the University of Crete, Greece JULIE WINCH Professor of History, the University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA NIGEL WORDEN Professor of Historical Studies, the University of Cape Town, South Africa