Rachel Endo is Founding Dean of the School of Education and a Professor at the University of Washington Tacoma. She holds a Ph.D. in Language and Literacy Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.A nationally recognized scholar of Asian/American education, bilingual education, critical/decolonizing approaches to multicultural education, immigrant/refugee education, and urban teacher education, Endo is the author of multiple publications that have appeared in high-impact journals in education such as Bilingual Research Journal, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, Education & Urban Society, Equity & Excellence in Education, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, The Urban Review, Urban Education, among others.In 2017, the National Association for Multicultural Education awarded her with the Carl A. Grant Award for Research Excellence. She has received dozens of other awards and recognitions for her commitment to equity and excellence in education.
4 E-böcker av Rachel Endo
Frank Hernandez & Rachel Endo: Developing and Supporting Critically Reflective Teachers
This collection centres the diverse narrative experiences of six early-career US teachers who identify as critically reflective practitioners. The contributors cogently demonstrate how teachers with …
Rachel Endo: Experiences of Racialization in Predominantly White Institutions
Centered on the narratives from ethnically and racially diverse scholars of color with experience studying and working in predominantly White institutions in the United States, this volume offers cri …
Rachel Endo: Experiences of Racialization in Predominantly White Institutions
Centered on the narratives from ethnically and racially diverse scholars of color with experience studying and working in predominantly White institutions in the United States, this volume offers cri …
Rachel Endo: The Incarceration of Japanese Americans in the 1940s
In the latest volume in the NCTE High School Literature Series, Rachel Endo offers new ways to talk and teach about the incarceration of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War …