This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being. It integrates research from psychology, education, ludology, media studies, and communication science to demonstrate how game play can teach skills that have long been associated with increased happiness and prolonged life satisfaction, including flexible thinking, openness to experience, self-care, a growth mindset, solution-focused thinking, mindfulness, persistence, self-discovery and resilience. The chapters in this volume are written by leading voices in the field of game studies, including researchers from academia, the video gaming industry, and mental health practitioners paving the way in the field of “geek therapy.”
This book will advance our understanding of the potential of video games to increase our psychological well-being by helping to mitigate depression, anxiety, and stress and foster persistence, self-care, and resilience.
Preface; Eve Crevoshay.- Chapter 1: Digital games and well-being: An overview; Felix Reer, Thorsten Quandt.- Chapter 2: Press Reset; Chelsea Hughes.- Chapter 3: Explore the Map; Shane Tilton.- Chapter 4: Oh me, Oh My! Identity development through video games; Sarah Sawyer.- Chapter 5: Forever questing and “gitting gud”; Jamie Madigan.- Chapter 6: +1 Strength, +1 Faith: Positive psychology and gaming; Ryan Kelly.- Chapter 7: Gaming the mind and minding the game: Mindfulness and flow in video games; Mark Cruea.- Chapter 8: Follow the Trail of Enemies; Emory Stephen Daniel.- Chapter 9: You are the one foretold; Finding yourself through the journey; Megan Connell, Kelli Dunlap.- Chapter 10: Extra lives; Raffael Boccamazzo.- Chapter 11: Concluding comments; Rachel Kowert.
Om författaren
Rachel Kowert is the Research Director of Take This, a US non-profit mental health organization that provides resources and information to the gaming industry and gaming communities. As a research psychologist, she has been studying games and gamers for more than 10 years with a specific focus on video game effects. She has published multiple scientific articles and books on this topic.