Nach dem Unfall ihres Mannes Vincent kämpft Rachel Lambert dafür, dass sein Wunsch, kein abhängiges Leben führen zu müssen, respektiert wird. Er soll sterben dürfen. Doch Vincents Eltern wollen ihren Sohn nicht gehen lassen. Der Fall sorgt in Frankreich für Furore und geht bis vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte.
3 E-böcker av Rachel Lambert
Rachel Lambert: Rethinking Disability and Mathematics
Every child has a right to make sense of math, and to use math to make sense of their worlds. Despite their gifts, students with disabilities are often viewed from a deficit standpoint in math …
Rachel Lambert: Rethinking Disability and Mathematics
Every child has a right to make sense of math, and to use math to make sense of their worlds. Despite their gifts, students with disabilities are often viewed from a deficit standpoint in math …
Rachel Lambert: Rethinking Disability and Mathematics
Every child has a right to make sense of math, and to use math to make sense of their worlds. Despite their gifts, students with disabilities are often viewed from a deficit standpoint in math …