Författare: Raimon

Author and director of the Institute of Experts. Raimon Samsó is an entrepreneurial author. Bachelor of Economics, author of 30 books of personal and professional development. He worked in 3 multinationals and 3 banks for 15 years. In a 180º turnaround, he resigned from employment that no longer matched his values ​​and started from scratch in a new profession as: author and international lecturer. Today he is recognized as the author of reference for entrepreneurs who want to create projects with conscience. Write books and organize online courses on professional and financial success, and personal development. He is the author of 32 books, almost all in audiobook version and ebook.

2 E-böcker av Raimon

Raimon Samsó: Wissen wie man bekommt was man will
Das Wort ’Kodex’ bezieht sich auf eine geordnete und strukturierte Gesamtheit von Gesetzen und Regeln. Der Begriff stammt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet ’Buch der Gesetze oder Regeln’ eines Themas …
Raimon: Tot el que he cantat
Amb aquest llibre es publiquen en un volum i per primera vegada les lletres completes de Raimon, que abasten tota la seva carrera, des del 1959 fins al 2017. Inclou totes les lletres escrites per ell …