Författare: Ralph Basui Watkins

Dr. Gwinyai H. Muzorewa is a professor of theology at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, the first degree-granting historically black university in the United States. He has authored, among other books, The Origins and Development of African Theology and An African Theology of Mission, and is editor of Know Thyself: Ideologies of Black Liberation.

2 E-böcker av Ralph Basui Watkins

Ralph Basui Watkins: Hip-Hop Redemption (Engaging Culture)
Hip-hop culture is experiencing a sea change today that has implications for evangelism, worship, and spiritual practices. Yet Christians have often failed to interpret this culture with sensitivity. …
Gwinyai H. Muzorewa: African Origins of Monotheism
African Origins of Monotheism recasts an African knowledge of God in a new and original way. It aims to recapture concepts of God as originally reflected upon by pristine African religious thinkers. …