The book examines applications in two disparate fields linked by the importance of valuing information: public health and space. Researchers in the health field have developed some of the most innovative methodologies for valuing information, used to help determine, for example, the value of diagnostics in informing patient treatment decisions. In the field of space, recent applications of value-of-information methods are critical for informing decisions on investment in satellites that collect data about air quality, fresh water supplies, climate and other natural and environmental resources affecting global health and quality of life.
Introduction.- 1. The Value of Information in Index Insurance for Farmers in Africa.- Commentary.- 2. The Value of Information in a Risk Management Approach to Climate Change.- Commentary.- 3. Understanding the Value of Business Information.- Commentary.- 4. Valuing the Potential Impacts of GEOSS: A Systems Dynamics Approach.- Commentary.- 5. The Informative Role of Advertising and Experience in Dynamic Brand Choice: An Application to the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Market.- Commentary.- 6. The Effect of Public and Private Quality Information on Consumer Choice in Health Care Markets.- Commentary.- 7. Adoption of Over-The-Counter Malaria Diagnostics in Africa: The Role of Subsidies, Beliefs, Externalities, and Competition.- Commentary.- 8. The Value of Determining Global Land Cover for Assessing Climate Change Mitigation Options.- Commentary.- 9. Space Imaging and Prevention of Infectious Disease: Rift Valley Fever.- Commentary.- 10. Estimating the Benefits of Land Imagery in Environmental Applications: A Case Study in Nonpoint Source Pollution of Groundwater.- Commentary.- Index.