Författare: Reiner Braun

Reiner Braun studied German Literature, History and Journalism. Since 1982, he has been actively involved in the Peace Movement, working as Executive Director for Scientist for Peace and Sustainability (Germany) and the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES). Since 2004, Reiner Braun has been working for various projects related to the Einstein Year 2005 at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and for the Max Planck Society. Robert A. Hinde, CBE, FRS, FBA, took a degree in biology at the University of Cambridge and a D.Phil. at the University of Oxford. He was later awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship, and worked at Cambridge on animal behaviour using monkeys as models for assessing the effects of brief periods of maternal deprivation. Since the mid-seventies he worked on human personal relationships, with special reference to the relationships between individuals in human families. He was Master of St. John”s College, Cambridge, from 1989-1994, and since then has written on the bases of religion and morality in human nature, and on the causes of international war. He is Chair of the British Pugwash Group. David Krieger received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Hawaii. He is a founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and has served as its president since 1982. He has initiated many global projects seeking peace in the Nuclear Age and the abolition of nuclear weapons, and provided leadership to these projects. He is the author and editor of numerous books on peace, disarmament and global security. Harold Kroto received a B.Sc. (Chemistry, 1961) and a Ph.D. (Molecular Spectroscopy, 1964) from the University of Sheffield, England. After postdoctoral work at the National Research Council (Ottawa, Canada) and Bell Telephone Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ USA) he started his academic career at the University of Sussex, England, in 1967. He became a professor in 1985 and a Royal Society Research Professor in 1991. In 1996 he was knighted for his contributions to chemistry and later that year, together with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley (of Rice University, Houston, Texas), received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the discovery of C60 Buckminsterfullerene, a new form of carbon. Sally Milne graduated in Modern History from the University of Exeter, England, in 1964. She worked in the World Bank Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, then returned to the UK to pursue her professional career in education and training. From 1992 to 2002, she edited papers for the Pugwash Conferences, and went on to become Personal Assistant to Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat until 2005. She is currently the Executive Secretary for British Pugwash and brought the US Peace Jam Education Programme to the UK in 2006.

12 E-böcker av Reiner Braun

Reiner Braun & Robert Hinde: Joseph Rotblat: Visionary for Peace
Sir Joseph Rotblat (1908-2005), British physicist and one of the most prominent critics of the nuclear arms race, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 in conjunction with the Pugwash Conferences on …
Michael Müller: Frieden! Jetzt! Überall!
Aus Furcht vor Russland, als Reaktion auf den Irrsinn eines ’America first’ oder aus Angst vor Gewalt und Terror kommen die Gespenster des Kalten Krieges zurück. Der neue Rüstungswettlauf ist keine …
Reiner Braun: Future of Food
Sustainable agricultural, forest, Sustainable agricultural, forest, fishing and food systems are essential for food security and sovereignty and can thus enforce the human right to food. This is the …
Colin Archer & Reiner Braun: Disarmament, Peace and Development
Excessivemilitary spending reduces the available financial reserves for health, education, and other human needs. For poor countries, it increases poverty, unemployment, and destitution. It also …
Colin Archer & Reiner Braun: Disarmament, Peace and Development
Excessivemilitary spending reduces the available financial reserves for health, education, and other human needs. For poor countries, it increases poverty, unemployment, and destitution. It also …
Heinzpeter Hempelmann & Corinna Schubert: Handbuch Bestattung
In den letzten Jahren hat sich ein radikaler Wandel der Bestattungskultur vollzogen. Er äußert sich v. a. in einer Ausdifferenzierung der Bestattungsweisen und in einer Pluralisierung der …
Guido Spars: Wohnungsfrage 3.0
Over the past decade, rental costs and home purchase prices have risen rapidly, leading to increasing social discontent and political pressure. Housing policy has nevertheless been a rather neglected …
Guido Spars: Wohnungsfrage 3.0
Over the past decade, rental costs and home purchase prices have risen rapidly, leading to increasing social discontent and political pressure. Housing policy has nevertheless been a rather neglected …
Rüdiger Jung: In unserer Haut
Die Gedichte beschäftigen sich auf überraschende und oft humorige Weise mit biblischen Geschichten bzw. mit den Grundthemen des Lebens und eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf alte …
Michael Müller & Peter Brandt: Selbstvernichtung oder Gemeinsame Sicherheit
Putins Krieg gegen die Ukraine ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht der selbstgerechten westlichen Welt. Der Krieg ist nicht zu rechtfertigen, aber er hat eine Vorgeschichte, die nicht so einfach ist, wie sie …
Stephan Albrecht & Hans-Joachim Bieber: Wissenschaft – Verantwortung – Frieden: 50 Jahre VDW
Im Oktober 1959 – knapp zwei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung und der gesellschaftlichen Kontroverse um die ’Göttinger Erklärung’, die sich gegen die atomare Bewaffnung der Bundeswehr wandte, …
Peter Becker & Reiner Braun: Frieden durch Recht?
Die Normen des Völkerrechts, die auf die Bewahrung und Schaffung des Friedens ausgerichtet sind, aber auch die Gewaltverbote und Friedensgebote des nationalen Rechts werden immer wieder missachtet, …