If board meetings are something you simply ’get through’ so you can get on with your ’real’ work, this book is a must.
As superintendent, and with the support of this realistic, detailed, and entertaining book, you can now turn board meetings into productive, results-getting events that help you focus on teaching, learning, and achieving your district′s goals.The authors, having chaired over 1, 000 board meetings amongthem, discuss:
- Creating role clarity and building the superintendent-based team to increase effectiveness and support positive working relationships
- Developing general operating procedures that work
- Carrying out effective board meetings
- Critical aspects of the meeting itself, as well as tips on conducting closed sessions
- Post-meeting follow-up and how these activities affect and influence the culture of the district
Foreword – Michael W. Kirst
About the Authors
Part I. The Leadership Challenge
1. Focusing on Teaching and Learning
2. Building the Superintendent-Board Team
Part II. Pre-Meeting Planning
3. Planning the Calendar and Agenda
4. Preparing: Sweat the Small Stuff
5. Designing the Board Packet
6. Communicating the Agenda
Part III. Meeting Time
7. Conducting the Board Meeting
8. Meeting Behind Closed Doors
Part IV. Post-Meeting
9. Following Up
10. Recovering
11. Wrapping Up
Resource A: Board-Superintendent Protocols (Sample)
Resource B: Twelve-Month Calendar (Sample)
Resource C: Board Agenda Development Worksheet (Sample)
Resource D: Individual Agenda Item (Sample)
Resource E: Welcome to the Board Meeting (Sample)
Resource F: Request to Speak Cards (Samples)
Om författaren
Dr. Walter L. Buster is a professor of leadership at Fresno State University and a creator of the Central Valley Educational Leadership Forum. In addition to his service as a superintendent for nineteen years in three California districts, Walt was a teacher at the elementary and secondary levels, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent. Recently Walt stepped forward to serve as interim superintendent of the Fresno Unified School District, calming the district in a time of political and financial turmoil. Walt’s other leadership activities include leading the Executive Leadership Academy and the Association of California School Administrators Academy. He serves on the national education advisory boards for IBM and Microsoft, and is on the board of West Ed. His bachelor’s degree is from Westmont College, his masters from Chapman College, and his doctorate from the University of Montana. Walt and his wife, Susan, an artist, have two children and one grandchild.