Författare: Robert B. Catell

Robert B. CATELL is the CEO of Key Span, one of the nation”slargest energy providers. He is one of the most highly respectedbusiness leaders in New York. KENNY MOORE is a former monk who left the religious life for asuccessful career in human resources. He is currently Corporate Ombudsman at Key Span. GLENN RIFKIN is a veteran business journalist who has writtenextensively for the New York Times and coauthored manygroundbreaking business books, including the Wiley title Radical Marketing, The CEO Chronicles, and The Ultimate Entrepreneur.

1 E-böcker av Robert B. Catell

Robert B. Catell & Kenny Moore: The CEO and the Monk
In a business era in which executives are taken away in handcuffsand corporate malfeasance and scandal dominates the businessheadlines, there is tremendous value in the stories of ethicalcompanies an …