This volume covers the language situation in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia, explaining the linguistic diversity, the historical and political contexts and the current language situation, including language-in-education planning, the role of the media, the role of religion, and the roles of non-indigenous languages. The authors are indigenous and/or have been participants in the language planning context. Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Tunisia are not well represented in the international language policy/planning literature, while the section on Nigeria draws together the published literature in this area. The purpose of the volumes in this series is to present up-to-date information on polities that are not well-known to researchers in the field. A longer range purpose is to collect comparable information on as many polities as possible in order to facilitate the development of a richer theory to guide language policy and planning in other polities that undertake the development of a national policy on languages. This volume is part of an areal series which is committed to providing descriptions of language planning and policy in countries around the world.
Series Overview
1. Language Policy and Planning in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia: Some Common Issues – Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf Jr.
2. The Language Situation in Algeria – Mohamed Benrabah
3. Language Planning in Côte d’Ivoire – Paulin Djité
4. The Language Situation in Côte d’Ivoire since 2000: An Update – Paulin Djité and Jean-Francois Y. K. Kpli
5. Language Policy and Planning in Nigeria – Efurosibina Adegbija
6. The Language Situation in Tunisia – Mohamed Daoud
Biographical Notes on Contributors
Om författaren
Richard B. Baldauf, Jr is Associate Professor of TESOL in the School of Education at the University of Queensland and a member of the Executive of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). He has published numerous articles in refereed journals and books. He is co-editor of Language Planning and Education in Australasia and the South Pacific (Multilingual Matters, 1990), principal researcher and editor for the Viability of Low Candidature LOTE Courses in Universities (DEET, 1995), co-author with Robert B. Kaplan of Language Planning from Practice to Theory (Multilingual Matters, 1997) and Language and Language-in-Education Planning in the Pacific Basin (Kluwer, 2003), and co-author with Zhao Shouhui of Planning Chinese Characters: Revolution, Evolution or Reaction (Springer, 2007).