Prove your military worth with a stellar AFQT score
The Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) is the most importantpart of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), andyou need to start preparing for it early. Your AFQT scoredetermines which branch of the military you can join, and thebetter your score, the more attractive you become to recruiters.Your AFQT score is determined by your scores on the Verbal Expression, Mathematics Knowledge, and Arithmetic Reasoningsections of the test. Each branch of the military has their owncriteria for potential candidates, with different minimum standardfor high school graduates and GED holders. These minimum standardsare rising with enlistment levels, so you need to prove that you’reup to par.
ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your completestudy guide to the AFQT. Retired Air Force Sergeant Rod Powers is arecognized authority in U.S. Military matters, and the ultimate AFQT tutor. Powers guides you through the critical information youneed for the test, and gives you the confidence you need to do yourbest under pressure.
* Get acquainted with the basics of the AFQT, and learn the artof test taking
* Expand your vocabulary and enhance your reading comprehensionskills
* Refresh your math skills, and make peace with wordproblems
ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, 2nd Edition includes fourseparate practice exams with answers, so you’ll know exactly whatto expect on test day. Being in the military is all about showingwhat you’re made of. The ASVAB is your first opportunity to dothat, and ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, 2nd Edition will teach youhow to dig deep and be the recruit the military wants.
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with ASVAB AFQT 5
Chapter 1: Examining the AFQT 7
Chapter 2: Facing the AFQT Head-on 13
Chapter 3: Mastering the Art of Studying and Test Taking 23
Part II: English as a First Language 33
Chapter 4: Developing a Solid Vocabulary 35
Chapter 5: The Word Knowledge Subtest 47
Chapter 6: Reading for Comprehension 53
Chapter 7: The Paragraph Comprehension Subtest 61
Part III: Calculating Better Math Knowledge 71
Chapter 8: Knowing Your Math 73
Chapter 9: The Mathematics Knowledge Subtest 105
Chapter 10: Working with Word Problems 113
Chapter 11: The Arithmetic Reasoning Subtest 131
Part IV: AFQT Practice Exams 139
Chapter 12: Practice Exam 1 141
Chapter 13: Practice Exam 1: Answers and Explanations 159
Chapter 14: Practice Exam 2 175
Chapter 15: Practice Exam 2: Answers and Explanations 193
Chapter 16: Practice Exam 3 209
Chapter 17: Practice Exam 3: Answers and Explanations 227
Chapter 18: Practice Exam 4 243
Chapter 19: Practice Exam 4: Answers and Explanations 261
Part V: The Part of Tens 277
Chapter 20: Ten Tips for a Better AFQT Score 279
Chapter 21: Ten Topics to Explore 285
Appendix: Matching ASVAB Scores to Military Jobs 289
Index 309
Om författaren
Rod Powers is a recognized expert in all U.S. militarymatters. A retired Air Force first sergeant, he is the author of ASVAB For Dummies and 1, 001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies, and is also the U.S. military guide for