Författare: Roger Hill

Orson Welles was an internationally recognized actor, director, producer, writer, magician, and political activist whose films included The Magnificent Ambersons , Touch of Evil , and Citizen Kane , considered by many to be the greatest film ever produced. Roger Hill was the headmaster of the Todd School for Boys for thirty years. During his tenure, Hill fashioned one of the most progressive educational programs in the country, embracing the philosophy that youngsters were “created creators.” Todd Tarbox , grandson of Roger Hill, is an educator and the author of See the World , Imagine , and Orson Welles and Roger Hill: A Friendship in Three Acts (2016). He lives in Colorado Springs, CO.

3 E-böcker av Roger Hill

Roger Hill & Peter Bronski: Hunting Nature’s Fury
Each year, at least 1, 200 tornadoes batter the United States. While most occur in Tornado Alley–a vast, weather-beaten swath of middle America-in truth, tornadoes can occur almost anywhere. And whe …
Orson Welles: Marching Song
Before The Cradle Will Rock, before War of the Worlds, before Citizen Kanethere was Marching Song.At the age of 25 Orson Welles co-wrote, directed, and starred in Citizen Kane, widely regarded as one …
Roger Hill: Keynes, Money and Monetarism
Now that its practice has taken the bloom off the theory of monetarism, it is becoming easier to evaluate it. The 8th Keynes Seminar, which was held at the University of Kent at Canterbury in Novembe …