Författare: Roman Chlupatý

David Orrell is a writer and an applied mathematician. He is the author of The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction (2007), Economyths: How the Science of Complex Systems Is Transforming Economic Thought (2010), and Truth or Beauty: Science and the Quest for Order (2012).Roman Chlupatý is a journalist, lecturer, and consultant specializing in the global economy, politics, and the intersection of these two worlds. He is the coauthor, with David Orrell, of The Twilight of Homo Economicus (2012). He is also the author of (S)OUR EARTH: Fourteen Interviews About Things That Are Changing Our World (2010) and coauthor of (R)evolutionary Economy: Of Systems and Men (2013).

2 E-böcker av Roman Chlupatý

Roman Chlupatý & David Orrell: The Evolution of Money
The sharing economy’s unique customer-to-company exchange is possible because of the way in which money has evolved. These transactions have not always been as fluid as they are today, and they are l …
David Graeber & Roman Chlupatý: Revolution oder Evolution
Soziale Ungerechtigkeit, Naturzerstörung sowie die Schulden- und Finanzkrise lassen zweifeln, ob die Marktwirtschaft die richtige Lösung für die Probleme unserer Zeit ist. Der Bestsellerautor Tomas …