This volume focuses on several Russian authors among many who immigrated to Israel with the “big wave” of the 1990s or later, and whose largest part of their works was written in Israel: Dina Rubina, Nekod Singer, Elizaveta Mikhailichenko and Yury Nesis, and Mikhail Yudson. They are popular and active authors on the Israeli scene, in the printed and electronic media, and some of them are also editors of the renowned journals and authors of literary and cultural reviews and essays. They constitute a new generation of Jewish-Russian writers: diasporic Russians and new Israelis.
Dina Rubina: A Portrait of the Artist as a Messiah and a Pirate
Carnival and Sincerity
Migration and Neoindigeneity
Messiahs, Mothers, and Orphans
Victims and Heroes
From Trauma to the Real
Origins and Copies
Fugitives, Nomads, and Pirates
The Metaphysical Leap
Nekod Singer in Russian and Hebrew: Neoeclecticism and Beyond
A Noble Man of Our Times
The Jerusalem Trilogy of Elizaveta Mikhailichenko and Yury Nesis
Ierusalimsky dvorianin (A noble man of Jerusalem, 1997): An Abortive Gesture of Violence
I/e_rus.olim (2004): History, Sacrifice, and Network
ЗЫ (Preemptive Revenge, 2006): The Other’s Heroism
Mikhail Yudson’s Lestnitsa na shkaf (The ladder to the cabinet): The New Language of Metaphysics
A Ladder to the Neoindigeneity
Works Cited
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Roman Katsman was born in the USSR and has lived in Israel since 1990. He is a Professor in the Department of Literature of the Jewish People in Bar-Ilan University. Katsman is the author of number of books and articles about Hebrew and Russian literature, particularly about Jewish-Russian and Russian-Israeli literature and thought. He has worked on the theoretical problems of mythopoesis, chaos, nonverbal communication, sincerity, alternative history, and humor. His most recent books, Elusive Reality: A Hundred Years of Russian-Israeli Literature (1920-2020), (2020, in Russian) and Nostalgia for a Foreign Land (2016, in English), examine the Russian-language literature in Israel. Other major publication include Laughter in Heaven: Symbols of Laughter in the Works of S.Y. Agnon, in Hebrew (2018), Literature, History, Choice: The Principle of Alternative History in Literature (2013), At the Other End of Gesture. Anthropological Poetics of Gesture in Modern Hebrew Literature (2008), Poetics of Becoming: Dynamic Processes of Mythopoesis in Modern and Postmodern Hebrew and Slavic Literature (2005), The Time of Cruel Miracles: Mythopoesis in Dostoevsky and Agnon (2002) and