Raising Abel assumes that the Bible would not bother telling us about a cunning serpent, a murderous brother, or a resinous gopher tree, if they didnt have something to do with the deeper topic of faith. After all, isnt the Bible the authority on faith? Raising Abel explores the most familiar chapters of Genesis, not as a collection of stories of the beginning of time, but as our first and best guide to the subject of faith. The author, as a physician, explains faith within the framework of wellness, dividing the Genesis stories into four parts that answer four questions.
The Premise: What does healthy faith look like? (Genesis 12)
The Problem: What can cause this healthy state to become diseased? (Genesis 35)
The Prescription: What medicine is needed to restore us to a healthy faith? (Genesis 69:17)
The Practice: What must we do to maintain this healthy faith? (Genesis 9:1811)
Raising Abel reassures us that there is something greater than a perfectly good world; it is an imperfect world plus faith. In a perfect world there would be no need of faith. Get ready to experience faith in a whole new light!
Om författaren
A practicing physician for twenty-nine years, Ronald Ragotzy has the highest regard for science but a greater passion for the sacred. He spends his weeks working within the evidence-based world of medicine. In his free time, he visits and kayaks with family and friends or travels to see his only son, Declan, at Carroll University. Dr. Ragotzy lives in a Janesville, Wisconsin, 1920s, Tudor-style stucco cottage with a city park in his front yard and a forest preserve in his back yard.