’The book’s combined focus on parties as institutions and systems, alongside political attitudes and behaviors, is why I use it…I have yet to find another text that accomplishes this.’
—Meredith Conroy,
California State University, San Bernardino
Now, more than ever, people drive the democratic process. What people think of their government and its leaders, how (or whether) they vote, and what they do or say about a host of political issues greatly affect the further strengthening or erosion of democracy and democratic ideals. This fully updated, shorter
Seventh Edition of
Citizen Politics continues to offer the only truly comparative study of political attitudes and behavior in the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.
In addition to its comprehensive, thematic examination of political values, political activity, voting, and public images of government within a cross-national context, the updated edition of this bestseller explores how cultural issues, populism, Trump and far right parties are reshaping politics in contemporary democracies. All chapters have been updated with the latest research and empirical evidence. Further, Dalton includes recent research on citizens’ political behavior in USA, Britain, France, and Germany, as well as new evidence from national election studies in USA 2016, Britain 2017, France 2017, and Germany 2017.
List of Tables and Figures
CHAPTER 1. Introduction
Comparing Public Opinion across Nations
Choosing Nations to Compare
A New Style of Citizen Politics
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 2. The Nature of Citizen Beliefs
The Supercitizen
Reality versus a Theoretical Ideal
Elitist Theory of Democracy
Political Sophistication Reconsidered
Politics and the Public
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 3. How We Participate
Modes of Participation
Campaign Activity
Direct Contacting
Communal Activity
Protest and Contentious Action
Wired Activism
Changing Publics and Political Participation
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 4. Who Participates?
The Civic Voluntarism Model
Who Votes?
Campaign Activity
Direct Contacting
Communal Activity
Who Protests?
Internet Activism
Comparing the Correlates of Different Activities
Participation and the Democratic Process
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 5. Values in Change
The Nature of Value Change
The Distribution of Values
How Values Change
The Consequences of Value Change
Social Change and Value Change
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 6. Issues and Ideological Orientations
Socioeconomic Issues and the State
Cultural Issues
Foreign Policy Opinions
Left/Right Orientations
Public Opinion and Political Change
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 7. Elections and Political Parties
The History of Party Systems
Four Contemporary Party Systems
The Structure of Political Alignments
Party Systems Today
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 8. The Social Bases of Party Support
The Logic of Social Groups and Voting
Social Class and the Vote
Why Is Class Voting Decreasing?
Religion and the Vote
Other Social Group Differences
The Transformation of Social Cleavages
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 9. Partisanship and Voting
A Sociopsychological Model of Voting
Partisan Attitudes
The Consequences of Partisanship
Partisan Dealignment
Causes of Dealignment
The Consequences of Dealignment
Cognitive Mobilization and Apartisans
Politics in a Dealigned Era
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 10. Attitudes and Voting Choice
Principles of Issue Voting
Position Issues and the Vote
Policy Cleavages and the Vote
Performance Issues and the Vote
Candidate Images and the Vote
The End of the Causal Funnel
One Electorate or Many?
Citizen Politics and Voting Behavior
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 11. Political Representation
Collective Correspondence
Dyadic Correspondence
The Party Government Model
The Impact of Representation
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 12. Citizens and the Democratic Process
The Types of Political Support
Declining Confidence in Authorities
Views of Political Institutions
Support for a Democratic Regime
Community Support
Dissatisfied Democrats
The New Style of Democratic Politics
Suggested Readings
Appendix A: Statistical Primer
Appendix B: Major Data Sources
Appendix C: 2014 International Social Survey Codebook
Om författaren
Russell Dalton is a professor at the University of California, Irvine and former director of the Center for the Study of Democracy. His research and teaching focuses on the changing nature of citizen politics in contemporary democracies. He has received a Fulbright Research Fellowship, a German Marshall Fund Fellowship, Barbra Streisand Center Fellowship and POSCO Research Fellowship. He has served on the boards of the American National Election Study, the British Election Study and the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Among his recent authored or edited books are The Apartisan American (2012), Political Parties and Democratic Linkage (2011), Citizens, Context and Choice (2011), The Good Citizen (2009), Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior (2007), Citizens, Democracy and Markets around the Pacific Rim (2006), Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies (2004), Democracy Transformed? The Expansion of Citizen Access in Advanced Industrial Democracies (2003), and Parties without Partisans: Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies (co-editor, 2001). He has also appeared in six feature-length Hollywood movies.