Författare: Samantha van Schalkwyk

Samantha van Schalkwyk is Senior Researcher in Historical Trauma & Transformation Studies at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She has published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Feminism & Psychology and Violence against Women and is lead editor of the book A Reflexive Inquiry into Gender Research: Towards a New Paradigm of Knowledge Production.

2 E-böcker av Samantha van Schalkwyk

Samantha van Schalkwyk: Narrative Landscapes of Female Sexuality in Africa
This book explores the textures of women’s narratives of patriarchal oppression of female sexuality. Postcolonial feminist scholars in Africa highlight the importance of moving beyond Westernised len …
Samantha Van Schalkwyk: Reflexive Inquiry into Gender Research
Questions that concern gender and violence against women have been placed firmly on the agenda of interdisciplinary research within the humanities in recent years. Gender-based violence against women …