Författare: Shaheen Rafi Khan

Shaheen Rafi Khan has a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University. He is a researcher and consultant. He has carried out consultancy assignments for the World Bank, DFID, IDRC, Canada, ICIMOD, Nepal and the Free University, Amsterdam. His research focus is on development, international trade and the environment. Shahrukh Rafi Khan is Research Associate, Mount Holyoke College, USA. He formerly taught at the University of Utah and Vassar College and served as a Copeland Fellow at Amherst College.

3 E-böcker av Shaheen Rafi Khan

Shaheen Rafi Khan: Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution
This volume addresses the growth of regional trade agreements (RTAs) which have mushroomed since the 1990s, and considers their potential as a tool for reducing inter- and intra-state conflict. Explo …
Shaheen Rafi Khan: Regional Trade Integration and Conflict Resolution
This volume addresses the growth of regional trade agreements (RTAs) which have mushroomed since the 1990s, and considers their potential as a tool for reducing inter- and intra-state conflict. Explo …
Shaheen Rafi Khan & Shahrukh Rafi Khan: Social Capital and Collective Action in Pakistani Rural Development
This book distinguishes conceptually between indigenous and constructed social capital and the associated spontaneous and induced collective action for rural development and natural resource preserva …