Finally….An Audiobook Designed To Help You Drift Off To Sleep Naturally Every Single Night Using The Power Of Self-Hypnosis & Relaxing Deep Sleep Meditations!
No longer do you need to toss & turn for hours going through bouts of overthinking and night time anxiety.
Instead, you now have these Self-Hypnosis] scripts you can listen to every single day to start changing your negative thoughts, habits & behaviors around sleep into ones that help you get that deep sleep you so badly need!
Not only that, as your subconscious changes you’ll notice how your sleep hygiene & bedtime habits rapidly improve.
Also, A comprehensive study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine that examined results from 24 different research papers showed that more than half of the included studies found evidence that hypnosis could benefit sleep.
But, we don’t stop there, we have also included relaxing Deep Sleep meditations you can listen to fall asleep to each and every night.
Oh, and we listened to the feedback- we’ve took extra care that there’s no annoying loud music, narrator interruptions or anything alike once you drift off!
So, here’s a tiny example of what’s inside…
- Deeply Relaxing Guided Sleep Meditations That Will Help You Drift Off In Minutes By Taking You Away From The Day & The World & Into A Cocoon Of Relaxation
- Self-Hypnosis Scripts You Can Start Listening You Today To Rewire Your Underlying Beliefs & Habits Around Falling Asleep & Start Making Insomnia An Issue Of The Past
- Calming Natural Relaxing Sounds To Supplement Each Track That Will Aid You In Drifting Into A Deep, Healing Sleep Each & Every Time
And SO Much More!
So, If You Want To The Natural Secret To Transforming Your Brain To Fall Asleep With Ease Every Single Night Then Scroll Up And Click ’Buy This Audiobook’ Now.