Simple, natural home remedies.
Sharon shares several home remedies that have helped her. She
focuses on a formula for the ubiquitous apple juice, lemon juice,
olive oil remedy that she took when she thought she was dying – and
her remarkable recovery.
Many people are unaware of the simple, natural apple juice, lemon juice, olive oil
home remedy that is probably one of the worlds best kept secrets, although it is on
the Internet, handed down from generation to generation on a recipe card, located
in a chiropractors filing cabinet, and read in multiple languages.
Now its in a book.
Om författaren
Sharon Leippi has always been interested in natural home remedies. Having a registered nurse background and an Associate of Science degree from Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee (alum 82), her interest in health promotion continues with this book.
Sharon is the author of Fire & Ice: ALASKA Baked, Blended, & Sauted (Frosty Books) where the apple juice, lemon juice, olive oil natural home remedy is featured on page 138 of her cookbook.
She has written Think Hope Live: Embracing Life Defeating Suicide, and also Road Tripping from Alaska to New York City: Journaling the Journey & Taking Pix Along the Way. (Balboa Press).