This book deals with the Tsunami intrusion in the lower plain in the Tohoku region and role played by the coastal and fluvial landforms in the damages. The land-use patterns and the recent urbanization has also been partly responsible for a risk level enhancement. The 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami has violently hit the coastal plain in the Tohoku and Kanto regions. The coastal geomorphology of these regions have played an important role in the impacts of this natural disaster. The authors introduce tectonic settings, explain and assess these different risks, and discuss future disaster prevention and mitigation planning.
Chapter 1. Introduction: Overview of natural disasters and coastal landforms (Shigeko Haruyama).- Chapter 2. Geomorphology and tectonic setting of the Sanriku coast, northeastern Japan, and review of recent studies on the formation of alluvial plains and Holocene crustal movements along the coast (Yuichi Niwa and Toshihiko Sugai).- Chapter 3 Coastal geomorphology and tsunami disaster by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Tomoya Abe and Kazuaki Hori).- Chapter 4. Relationships between coastal and fluvial geomorphology and inundation processes of the tsunami flow caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Hiroshi Shimazu). Chapter 5. Distribution of liquefaction sites and coastal alluvium in Japan(Toshihiko Sugai and Keita Honda) . Chapter 6. Landform and Vulnerability for disaster in land use changing (Shigeko Haruyama).- Chapter 7. Reconstructing Areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster: Progress and Challenges (Shizuka Hashimoto).