Silvia C. Scholtus is a Doctor in Theology from the Universidad Adventista del Plata (UAP). She enjoyed holding the chair of several professorships of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She is passionate about writing and is the author of several articles and books published in different continents and languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Finnish). She has given conferences and lectures in different places of Argentina and abroad. She has been part of several teams devoted to the writing of books about Biblical topics and the history of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and editorial teams of different academic journals of the UAP (Davar Logos, Enfoques, SAIT) as well. For more than 25 years, she was secretary of the White Research Center at the same institution and coordinator of the Adventist Historical Center of the Argentinian Union of the SDA Church, located at Universidad Adventista del Plata.
4 E-böcker av Silvia Scholtus
Silvia Scholtus: Women in leadership
This edition has incorporated some more details about the persons whose life stories are presented. This book exposes a pending debt to fill an existing gap in the historic area. That debt continues …
Daniel Plenc & Silvia Scholtus: Foundational missionaries of south american adventism
There was no academic book presenting the biographies of the pioneers of South American Adventism. There were just short devotional works about the experiences of one or more Adventist missionaries. …
Carmelo Martines & Rafael Paredes: XII Simposio Bíblico Teológico Sudamericano
Este libro reúne veintiséis artículos bajo el tema central de la justificación por la fe. Son el producto final de ponencias presentadas en el XII Simposio Bíblico-Teológico Sudamericano en la Univer …
Sergio Becerra & Fernando Aranda Fraga: Teólogos influyentes del siglo XX
Se dice que la teología es el esfuerzo humano de explicar la realidad a la luz de la perspectiva divina, en términos que sean comprensibles para la sociedad contemporánea. También, la teología busca …