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Om författaren
Simon is London born and bred but moved to Devon with his family during his A-levels. Moving from an all-boys school to a mixed school ensured that these exams were not a success. He went to College and qualified in Hotel Management, spending many years working in Hotels, pubs and clubs around the UK before realising that he would be better off working in the financial services industry instead. He is now living very happily with his second wife and they have bought a farm in Spain where they plan to grow olives and make wine.
He has lived a very diverse life and met many interesting people. His experiences, especially during the years in the hospitality industry, shaped him into the person he is today and he learned much about the darker side of people in his years of wandering the country thinking he had lost something but just hadnt found it yet. His first marriage in 1987 ended in disaster at the same time as his Father died. Although not an author prior to those events, they were the catalysts that sparked an outpouring of grief which enabled him to pick up the pieces and get on with his life. He met his second wife through the internet after his manager at work decided he needed a partner in his life. He has not looked back since they married a year to the day after they met.