Författare: Simon Templar

Simon Templar is a qualified accountant with twenty years” industry experience as well as a lecturer on supply chain and procurement MSc”s in Cranfield.Erik Hofmann is Head of Supply Chain Finance-Lab at the University of St Gallen in Switzerland. He is also Chair of Logistics Management (LOG-HSG).Charles Findlay is an experienced Business Strategy, Supply Chain and Procurement consultant and Founder at International Supply Chain Finance Community.

3 E-böcker av Simon Templar

Simon Templar: Case Study: Supply Chain Management and Return on Total Net Assets
Supply Chain Management and Return on Total Net Assets explores how supply chain management decisions have a direct bearing on the financial performance of fictional company FMCG. The case examines t …
Simon Templar: Supply Chain Management Accounting
The need to contain costs across the business is as strong as ever and the search for cost reduction opportunities is intensifying. There still remains one last major opportunity to take out costs – …
Charles Findlay & Erik Hofmann: Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain
Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the financial synergies across the supply chain. It demonstrates the importance of the strategic relations …