Författare: Simone Schlindwein

Born in 1980, she studied East European studies, from 2006 to 2008. She was Moscow correspondent for the Spiegel, but since 2008 she has been living in Uganda and is the correspondent of the German ”tageszeitung” (taz.de) for the Great Lakes region: DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Central African Republic, South Sudan. In 2016 she was awarded the journalists” prize ”Die lange Atem” for research on the Rwandan Hutu militia FDLR in DRC and the corresponding book ”Crime Scene Congo – Trial in Germany”. Together with Christian Jakob and Deniél Kretschmar of the German Otto Brenner Foundation, she was awarded the Media Project Prize in 2017 for the migration project ”Migration Control”, on whose research t Dictators as Gatekeepers for Europe: Outsourcing EU border controls to Africa is based. http://simoneschlindwein.blogspot.de/

3 E-böcker av Simone Schlindwein

Christian Jakob & Simone Schlindwein: Dictators as Gatekeepers
The USA is divided around the wall President Trump wants to build along the Mexican border. Europe has long answered this question at its own southern border: put up that wall but don’t make it look …
Christian Jakob & Simone Schlindwein: Diktatoren als Türsteher Europas
Europa zieht seine Grenzen durch Afrika. Migrationskontrolle ist in der EU zu einer Frage von höchster innenpolitischer Bedeutung geworden. Mit Hochdruck baut sie daher ihre Beziehungen zu den …
Simone Schlindwein: Der grüne Krieg
Weltweit werden immer mehr Naturräume unter Schutz gestellt. Das klingt nach einem wichtigen Beitrag zur Rettung des Planeten. Doch in diesen Gebieten leben Millionen Menschen. Im globalen Süden wird …