Slavoj Zizek is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His books include Living in the End Times, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, In Defense of Lost Causes, four volumes of the Essential Zizek, and many more.
4 E-böcker av Sophie Wahnich
Sophie Wahnich: In Defence of the Terror
For two hundred years after the French Revolution, the Republican tradition celebrated the execution of princes and aristocrats, defending the Terror that the Revolution inflicted upon on its enemies …
Sophie Wahnich: Freiheit oder Tod
Über den Verlauf und die Konsequenzen der Französischen Revolution scheint heute Einigkeit zu bestehen: Die Ausrufung der Menschenrechte wird gefeiert, Gewalt und Terror gelten hingegen als extremist …
Sophie Wahnich: French Revolution in Theory
It is time to re-examine the French Revolution as a political resource. The historiography has so far ignored the question of popular sovereignty and emancipation; instead the Revolution has been vil …