Författare: Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson – author, advocate and change-maker – is on a mission to start conversations about childbirth ideology and to question the way we think about, discuss and view childbirth. For Stephanie, every single day needs to be carefully managed and planned to minimise her level of pain, to help her be the best mumma she can be. She shares her experiences in the hope that other mummas won”t be blindsided like she was.

2 E-böcker av Stephanie Thompson

Ingrid E. Castro & Jessica Clark: Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction
Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel, Technology, Time intersects considerations about children’s and youth’s agency with the popular culture genre of science fiction. As scholars in chi …
Stephanie Thompson: The Day My Vagina Broke
Becoming a mother is a simple, natural act … right? It’s the circle of life? You’re a woman – you know what to do … surely? But what happens when your birth does not go even remotely as planned? Chil …