Learn to boost your emotional intelligence for success in life and business–in a day!
Learning to manage your emotions in difficult situations is one of the basic ways we can improve our lives and relationships. Improving Your Emotional Intelligence In a Day For Dummies uses relatable everyday moments to reveal how to deal with friends, family, and colleagues in healthier, more productive ways.
* * Uses everyday examples of healthy ways to deal with stressful situations
* Written by a recognized expert on psychological assessment and emotional intelligence who is also the author of Emotional Intelligence For Dummies
This e-book also links to an online component at dummies.com that extends the topic into step-by-step tutorials and other ’beyond the book’ content.
Introduction 1
What You Can Do In A Day 1
Foolish Assumptions 2
Icons Used in This Book 2
Chapter 1: Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence 3
Feeling, Thinking, and Behaving Like an Emotionally Intelligent
Person 3
Feeling like an emotionally intelligent person 4
Thinking like an emotionally intelligent person 5
Behaving like an emotionally intelligent person 7
Recognizing an Emotionally Unintelligent Person 8
Chapter 2: Measuring Emotional Intelligence 11
Gauging Emotional Intelligence 11
Making the Case for Emotional Intelligence 14
Understanding How EQ Tests Work 15
The EQ-i 15
The EQ-360 18
Chapter 3: Managing Your Emotions 23
Okay, I Feel Sad, Mad, or Bad — Now What? 23
Using cognitive restructuring to improve your mood 24
Using methods of distraction to help you feel better 28
Relaxation, meditation, and similar activities for emotional
success 29
Progressive relaxation 29
Diaphragmatic or belly breathing 30
Acupressure 31
Purposeful distraction 32
Becoming more mindful 33
Working Your Way Out of a Bad Situation 34
Short-term approaches 34
Long-term solutions 36
Changing Your Emotions for the Better 37
Recognizing the importance of practice 38
Developing a positive psychology 38
Chapter 4: Managing Other People’s Emotions 41
Changing How You React to Others 42
Being aware of your gut reaction 42
Working through alternative responses 44
Managing the Emotions of Others 45
Identifying where other people are coming from 46
Establishing a realistic alternative behavior 47
Getting a person to want to change 49
Encountering Obnoxious People 50
Chapter 5: Using Empathy to Improve Your
Emotional Intelligence 53
Knowing the Difference between Empathy and Sympathy 54
Beginning with you, not I 54
Knowing why the difference is important 54
Reading Other People’s Emotions 56
Exploring Situations in Which Empathy Can Really Help You 58
Strengthening intimate relationships 59
Understanding friends and relatives 60
Dealing with tense situations that involve strangers 61
Chapter 6: Where to Go from Here 65
Taking Your First Steps 65
Visiting dummies.com 66
Om författaren
Dr. Steven Stein is a clinical psychologist and CEO of Multi-Health Systems (MHS), an internationally known psychological test publishing company. MHS is a three-time Profit 100 (fastest growing companies in Canada) winner.?A leading expert on psychological assessment and emotional intelligence, he has consulted to military and government agencies including the Canadian Forces, U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy, special units of the Pentagon, FBI Academy, as well as corporate organizations including American Express, Air Canada, Canyon Ranch, Coca-Cola (Mexico), and professional sports teams.?Dr. Stein is Chairperson of the Psychology Foundation of Canada. He is a former assistant professor in the psychiatry department at the University of Toronto and former adjunct professor of psychology at York University in Toronto.
He has appeared on over 100 TV and Radio shows including Canada AM, CBC’s Fifth Estate, CTV, CBC and Global News, CBC Radio, MSNBC, and many others throughout Canada and the United States. He has also been quoted in numerous print media including the Globe and Mail, National Post and Toronto Star.?Dr. Stein co-authored the international best-seller The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success and is the author of the newly released Make Your Workplace Great: The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization.
Dr. Stein has shared information on emotional intelligence with audiences throughout Canada, the United States, Mexico, Europe, Australia, and Asia.