Författare: Suellen Zima

Suellen Zima emigrated to Israel in 1983 at the age of 40. A fascinating visit to China in 1988 set her on a nomadic path, teaching in other parts of Asia and returning often to a constantly changing China. She now lives in southern California. Visit http://www.Zima Travels.com and Follow the Senior Hummingbird as she wanders, wonders, and writes.

2 E-böcker av Suellen Zima

Suellen Zima: Memoirs of a Middle-Aged Hummingbird
On this long, unique, extraordinary journey, we join an American middle-aged teacher as she wanders the world. Emigrating to Israel in 1983, she takes us to a boarding school where she cares for newl …
Suellen Zima: Out of Step
He had been too dead for 8 years! Was there any way to repair their damaged relationship now? His mother desperately wanted to try. Her growing need for communication in their truncated relationship …