This book takes as its point of departure the strong Swedish economic-historical scholarly tradition that has combined rigorous macroeconomic analysis with a classical institutional approach when investigating Swedish economic development. One important scholar in this tradition is Professor Lena Andersson-Skog, who has in her scholarly work focused on, among other things, the role of infrastructure, regulation, entrepreneurship, and female labour. To honour Andersson-Skog’s path-breaking work, this book consists of chapters written by her colleagues and former students in which they combine this tradition with new research into the themes of the role of infrastructure, institutional framework and regulation, entrepreneurship, and female labour. This is not an ordinary Festschrift, but rather a collection of essays of recent important research into Swedish economic history, with new data and insights.
Susanna Fellman and Jan Ottosson; Introduction.- Part I: Aspects on industrialisation, deindustrialisation and reindustrialisation in the long-run.- Lars Magnusson; A change of model? Discussion and debates on the Swedish codel after the 1990s crisis.- Colleen A. Dunlavy; The unnaturalness of mass production: The U.S. Government and the ’Gospel of Simplification’ in WWI and the 1920s.- Olle Krantz; The decrease and restructuring of the manual glass industry in Sweden.- Part II: Entrepreneurship, economic change and female employment.- Klara Arnberg; Self-made woman? Femininity and success in the Swedish advertising industry, 1980-2000.- Laura Ekholm; Swedish Algots and Eiser in Finland: Revisiting the question of the Swedish garment industries in Finland in the 1970s to the 1980s.- Helén Strömberg; The helpful home Samaritan.- Part III: Financial markets and their regulation in Swedish capitalism.- Jonatan Svanlund; The dawn of a new regulatory phase? Swedish economic development, 1990-2022.- Mats Larsson; The role of capital adequacy regulations in a period of crises: Swedish banking, 1915-1935.- Oskar Broberg; A vehicle for growth: Commercial banks’ use of share-backed lending during the Swedish industrial breakthrough.- Part IV: Infrastructure, subsidies, and regulations.- Thomas Pettersson; Reorganizing for liberalization? The ups and downs of the Swedish Transport Council, 1980-1991.- Martin Eriksson; Beyond rationalism: Historical continuity and transport policy innovation during icebreaker investments in Sweden, 1970-1975.- Urban Strandberg; Seven principles, two unreasonable objectives, and one lingering predicament: Unavailing endeavors to bring about legitimate management of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.- Part V: Aspects on the transformation of policy and the interaction with the economy.- Magnus Bohman; Governance through associations? Rural organizations, representation and societal transformation in Sweden, 1800-1870.- Hans Jörgensen; Economic intelligence during the Cold War: The role of Swedish business in the formation of the East Economic Bureau.- Paulina Rytkönen; ’And Noah descended from the ark and planted a vine on the slopes of Mount Ararat’: Entrepreneurial strategies, storytelling and institutional features in the modern history of the Armenian wine industry.- Björn Hasselgren; Stjernsund Castle and Göta Canal: Connections and reciprocal influence.
Om författaren
Susanna Fellman is Professor in Economic History and Business History at University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Jan Ottosson is Professor in Economic History in the Department of Economic History at Uppsala University, Sweden.