The latest and greatest in getting fit and staying that way!
Fitness For Dummies, 4th Edition, provides the latest information and advice for properly shaping, conditioning, and strengthening your body to enhance overall fitness and health. With the help of fitness professionals Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent, you’ll learn to set and achieve realistic fitness goals without expensive fitness club fees!
- Achieve motivation and social support from social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook
- Take advantage of digital resources such as e-exercising programs, video instructors, digital training systems, apps, and more
- Gives you the latest tips and methods to test your own fitness level, set realistic goals, stick with your program, and get great results
- Shows you how to spot where fat is sneaking into your diet
- Get the most out of high-tech exercise machines and equipment, plus tips for using dumbbells or a simple jump rope to achieve results
- Offers step-by-step instructions on creating a home gym on a budget
Featuring all-new informative fitness photos and illustrations, this revised edition of Fitness For Dummies is all you need to get on track to a healthy new body!
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
Conventions Used in This Book 2
What You’re Not to Read 3
Foolish Assumptions 3
How This Book is Organized 3
Part I: Getting Your Butt off the Couch 4
Part II: Going Cardio 4
Part III: Building Muscle and Strengthening Bone 4
Part IV: Limbering Up with Flexibility, Balance, and Mind-Body Exercise 5
Part V: Getting Fit in Health Clubs and Home Gyms 5
Part VI: Exercising for All Ages and Stages 5
Part VII: The Part of Tens 6
Icons Used in This Book 6
Where to Go from Here 7
Part I: Getting Your Butt off the Couch 9
Chapter 1: Establishing Your Plan of Attack 11
Understanding What Fitness Means 11
Setting Goals and Tracking Your Progress 13
Assessing your current fitness level (yes, this class has tests) 13
Setting multiple goals and rewards 13
Putting it in writing 15
Selecting Exercises That Are Right for You 17
Staying Motivated to Make Exercise a Habit 17
Getting inspiration from others 18
Training for an event 19
Keeping it interesting 19
Dressing the part 19
Staying realistic 20
Chapter 2: Testing Your Fitness 21
Reviewing Your Health History 21
Talking to a tester at the gym 22
Assessing your health history yourself 22
Vital Signs: Following Your Heart 23
Determining your resting heart rate 23
Knowing your blood pressure 24
Discovering how fit your heart is 25
Estimating Your Body-Fat Percentage 26
Getting the lowdown on fat measurements 26
Measuring body fat 27
Measuring Your Strength 31
Measuring your upper-body strength 32
Testing your core strength 33
Measuring your lower-body strength 34
Stretchy Stuff: Checking Your Flexibility 35
Checks and Balances: Standing on One Foot 38
Recording Your Fitness Test Results 38
Making Sense of Your Test Results 40
Chapter 3: Watching What You Eat: Nutrition Basics 41
Keeping an Eye on How Much You Eat 42
Deciding What’s for Dinner: Food, Real Food 44
Figuring Out Fat, Carbs, and Protein 45
Getting the real deal on fat 45
Choosing your carbs carefully 46
Avoiding high-protein propaganda 48
Getting the Scoop on Supplements 48
Fueling Up 49
Timing your meals 49
Eating before you work out 50
Snacking during your workout 50
Refueling after your workout 50
Drinking Plenty of Fluids 51
Chapter 4: Educating Yourself 53
Judging Fitness Media Reports 54
Starting with reliable publications 54
Watching out for sensational headlines 55
Considering credentials and biases 56
Making sure there’s a source 56
Remembering that advertisers can influence content 57
Being wary of celebrity endorsements 58
Putting limited stock in personal stories 58
Asking whether a study is newsworthy 58
Watching for outdated information 59
Evaluating Scientific Research 59
Paying attention to the experiment 59
Noting that results can be manipulated 60
Checking the math 61
Not assuming cause and effect 61
Putting a study in context 61
Trusting Credible Coverage 62
Chapter 5: This Doesn’t Have to Happen to You: Avoiding Common Injuries 63
Reducing Your Risk of Injury 64
Recognizing When You’re Injured 65
Identifying Common Exercise Injuries and Ways to Avoid Them 65
Inside information: Surveying injuries to muscles, bone, and more 66
Looking at injuries by body part 69
Treating Sports Injuries with RICE, RICE, Baby 75
Part II: Going Cardio 77
Chapter 6: Cardio Crash Course: Getting the Right Intensity 79
Comparing Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise 80
Understanding the Importance of Warming Up and Cooling Down 81
Warming up 81
Cooling down 82
Using Simple Methods to Gauge Your Level of Effort 82
The talk test 83
Perceived exertion 83
Measuring Your Heart Rate 84
Looking at what heart rate tells you 84
Understanding your target zone 86
Finding your maximum and target heart rates 86
Measuring your pulse 88
Chapter 7: Creating a Cardio Program 91
Following a Cardio Plan 92
Doing cardio for good health 92
Doing cardio for weight loss 93
Doing cardio to maximize your fitness 96
Fun Ways to Dial Up Your Fitness and Burn More Calories 97
Interval training 98
Uphill battles 99
Tempo workouts 100
Lifestyle movement 100
Putting It All Together: Sample 6-Week Exercise Programs 101
Sample beginner program 101
Sample intermediate program 102
Estimating How Many Calories You’re Burning 104
Knowing When to Give It a Rest 106
Chapter 8: Using Cardio Machines 109
Treadmill 110
Who will like it 111
Why the treadmill may not be your thing 111
Treadmill user tips 111
Elliptical Trainer 112
Who will like it 113
Why the elliptical may not be your thing 114
Elliptical-trainer user tips 114
Stationary Bicycle 114
Who will like it 115
Why the bike may not be your thing 115
Stationary-bike user tips 116
Stair-Climber 117
Who will like it 118
Why the stair-climber may not be your thing 118
Stair-climber user tips 118
Rowing Machine 119
Who will like it 120
Why the rower may not be your thing 120
Rowing-machine user tips 120
Chapter 9: Exercising Outdoors 123
Walking 123
Essential walking gear 124
Walking with good form 124
Walking tips for rookies 125
Running 125
Essential running gear 126
Running with good form 127
Running tips for rookies 128
Bicycling 128
Essential cycling gear 129
Cycling with good form 130
Cycling tips for rookies 130
In-Line Skating 131
Essential skating gear 132
Skating the right way 132
Skating tips for rookies 132
Exercising in Water 133
Essential water exercise gear 134
Swimming with good form 134
Swimming tips for rookies 135
Part III: Building Muscle and Strengthening Bone 137
Chapter 10: Why You’ve Gotta Lift Weights 139
Considering Five Important Reasons to Pick Up a Dumbbell 139
Staying strong for everyday life 140
Keeping your bones healthy 140
Preventing injuries 141
Looking better 142
Speeding up your metabolism 142
Building Muscle: Myths and Reality 143
Looking at questions of strength 143
Wondering about body shape 145
Asking about fat versus muscle 146
Chapter 11: Your Muscles: Love ’Em or Lose ’Em 149
Seeing the Big Picture 150
Looking Over Your Shoulders 153
Deltoids 153
Rotator cuff 154
Getting Your Back 155
Trapezius 155
Latissimus dorsi 156
Rhomboids 157
Erector spinae 157
Checking Out Your Chest (Pectorals) 158
Taking Up Arms 160
Biceps 160
Triceps 161
Forearm muscles 162
Getting a Core Understanding of the Abdominals 162
Rectus abdominis and company 163
Internal and external obliques 164
Bringing Up the Butt and Hips 165
Gluteus maximus 165
Hip abductors 166
Leg adductors 166
Looking at Your Legs 167
Quadriceps 167
Hamstrings 168
Gastrocnemius and soleus 168
Tibialis anterior 169
Chapter 12: Demystifying Strength Equipment 171
Using Weight Machines 171
What’s new in weight machines 172
The advantages of traditional weight machines 173
The drawbacks of traditional weight machines 174
Special tips for using weight machines 175
Cutting Loose with Free Weights 177
The advantages of free weights 179
The drawbacks of free weights 179
Special tips for using free weights 180
Using benches with free weights 182
Pulling Your Weight with Cable Pulleys 182
The advantages and disadvantages of cable pulleys 183
Special tips for using cable pulleys 183
Getting into the Swing of Things with Kettlebells 184
The advantages of kettlebells 185
The drawbacks of kettlebells 186
Special tips for using kettlebells 186
Stretching Your Routine with Tubes and Bands 186
The advantages of tubes and bands 186
The drawbacks of tubes and bands 187
Special tips for using tubes and bands 188
Training with Weighted Balls 188
The advantages of medicine balls 188
The drawbacks of medicine balls 189
Special tips for using medicine balls 189
Relying on Your Body as Strength Equipment 191
The advantages of using your body weight 191
The drawbacks of using your body weight 191
Special tips for using your body weight 192
Chapter 13: Designing a Strength-Training Program 193
The Building Blocks of a Strength-Training Workout 194
Choosing your weight 194
Planning your workout 195
Considering time and speed 198
Setting up and changing your routine 198
Considering your core 200
Lifting Safely and Effectively 202
Lifting weights the right way 202
Making sense of the instructions 204
Following a Simple Total-Body Workout 204
Squat 205
One-Legged Squat 207
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 209
Dumbbell Chest Press 211
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 212
Back Delt Fly 213
Dumbbell Biceps Curl 215
Triceps Kickback 217
The Plank 219
Opposite Extension 221
Part IV: Limbering Up with Flexibility, Balance, and Mind-Body Exercise 223
Chapter 14: Flexibility Training: Getting the Scoop on Stretching 225
Understanding Why You Need to Stretch 225
Deciding When to Stretch 227
Exploring Stretching Techniques 228
Still Life: Doing Static Stretching 229
Following a few rules of static stretching 230
Trying a simple static stretching routine 231
Trying Alternative Stretches 238
Testing out Active Isolated stretches 238
Doing the PNF Hamstring Stretch 241
Chapter 15: Finding Your Balance 243
Balance: Use It or Lose It 243
Evaluating Your Balance 244
Taking four simple tests 244
Interpreting your test results 245
Trying Nifty Tools for Training Your Balance 246
Doing Four Balance Exercises 247
Sit to Stand 248
Hopping 249
Balance-Beam Walk 249
Pick-Ups 250
Chapter 16: All about Yoga 253
Understanding Yoga: Knowing Your Asana from Your Elbows 254
Looking at What Yoga Can Do for Your Body 254
Finding a Yoga Style That’s Right for You 255
Getting Started 256
Taking yoga classes 257
Looking at yoga equipment and clothing 258
Following yoga tips for beginners 258
Trying a Yoga Routine 259
Downward-Facing Dog 259
Forward Bend 260
Child’s Pose 262
Modified Sage Twist 262
Cat Pose 263
Triangle Pose 264
Sun Salutation 265
Chapter 17: Getting the Lowdown on Pilates 267
Understanding Pilates 267
How Pilates works 268
How Pilates benefits even beginners 268
Fitting Pilates into Your Workout Program 269
Exploring Your Pilates Workout Options 269
Two ways to practice Pilates: Choosing your type of workout 270
Finding a qualified Pilates instructor 271
Doing Pilates at home 272
Performing Some Pilates Exercises 273
The Hundred 273
Rolling Like a Ball 275
Single Leg Pull 276
Spinal Stretch Forward 277
Part V: Getting Fit in Health Clubs and Home Gyms 279
Chapter 18: Choosing and Using a Gym 281
Should You Join a Health Club? 281
Four reasons to sign up 282
Four reasons to say, “No thanks” 283
Knowing How to Judge a Gym 283
Location and hours 284
Size 284
Cost 285
Equipment 286
Group exercise classes 287
Staff 287
Members 288
Cleanliness 289
Extra amenities 289
Eco-friendliness 290
Braving the Gym for the First Time 291
Packing the perfect gym bag 291
Making yourself more comfortable 292
Health-Club Etiquette: The Unwritten Rules 294
The must-do’s 294
Major no-no’s 295
Locker-room rules 296
Chapter 19: Designing Your Home Gym 297
Planning Your Exercise Space 298
Looking at the big picture: What you want to work on 298
Choosing an inviting spot for your equipment 298
Taking careful measurements 299
Thinking about flooring 299
Equipment Shopping Tips 300
Shopping around 300
Taking a test drive 301
Looking for safety features 302
Asking for a discount 302
Checking out warranty and service plans 302
Investing in Cardio Equipment 303
Two cardiovascular bargains 303
Treadmills 305
Incline trainers 306
Elliptical trainers 307
Stationary bikes 308
Rowing machines 310
Stair-climbers 310
Buying Strength Equipment 312
Exercise bands and tubes 312
Free weights 313
Weight benches 315
Multi-gyms 316
Considering Flexibility Helpers 319
Chapter 20: Hiring a Trainer 321
Five Smart Reasons to Hire a Trainer 321
Weeding Out the Poseurs 323
Certification 323
University degrees 326
Experience 326
Liability insurance 326
Appropriate trainer fees 327
Digging Deeper: Making Sure the Trainer You Choose Is Right for You 328
Narrowing down your choices 328
Evaluating your trainer 330
Getting the Most out of Your First Training Session 331
Being the Best Client You Can Be 332
Chapter 21: Choosing an Exercise Class or Digital Workout 335
Getting Through When You Haven’t a Clue: Taking an Exercise Class 336
Signing up 336
Knowing what to expect from a live instructor 336
Getting the most out of your classes 337
Considering popular classes 338
Working Out with an On-Screen Instructor 344
DVDs 346
Streaming and digital downloads 346
On-demand TV and Exercise TV 347
Podcasts and You Tube 347
Video games 348
Part VI: Exercising for All Ages and Stages 349
Chapter 22: Fit Pregnancy: Exercising for Two 351
Understanding the Benefits of an Active Pregnancy 352
Working with Healthcare Providers and Trainers 353
Great Activities to Consider during Pregnancy 354
Walking this way 354
Getting into the swim of things 355
Taking prenatal exercise classes 356
Trying prenatal yoga and Pilates 357
Lifting weights 357
Putting a prenatal spin on studio cycling 358
Using Wii Fit, online videos, and other media 359
Avoiding Risky Exercises 359
Overcoming the Obstacles to Prenatal Exercise 360
Monitoring Your Prenatal Workout Routine: Watching for Danger Signs 362
Exercising After the Baby Arrives 363
Chapter 23: Getting Kids Fit 365
Looking at How Exercise Helps Your Child 365
Getting Your Kids Moving 367
Engaging the toddler and preschool set 367
Motivating school-age kids to move 368
Getting Kids to Eat Their Peas 370
Chapter 24: Staying Active as You Age 373
Getting a Late Start: How to Begin 373
Seeing your doctor for a checkup 374
Starting cardio exercise 374
Pumping some iron 374
Working on your flexibility and balance 375
Adjusting Your Program if You’re an Experienced Older Athlete 376
Part VII: The Part of Tens 379
Chapter 25: Ten Great Reasons to Break a Sweat 381
You’re Less Prone to Illness 381
You Keep Your Weight in Check 382
You Look Marvelous 382
You’re Less Prone to Injuries and Aches 383
You Feel Happier, Calmer, and Better about Yourself 384
You Enjoy Camaraderie 385
You Perform Better at Work and at Home 385
Your Family Benefits 386
You Feel Younger and Enjoy Life More 387
You Do Good for Others and the Earth 388
Chapter 26: Ten Fantastic Fitness Investments 389
A Heart-Rate Monitor 389
A Digital Tracker or Pedometer 390
A Hydration System 390
A Stretching or Sticky Mat 391
A Physioball 391
A Workout Log 392
An MP3 Player or i Phone 392
Exertainment 393
A Personal Trainer 394
A Massage 394
Index 395Om författaren
Suzanne Schlosberg is a fitness writer whose work has appeared in
Fit Pregnancy,
Ladies’ Home Journal, and other magazines.
Liz Neporent is a health and fitness expert and correspondent for ABC National News. She is a frequent contributor to Shape, Self, and Fitness magazines.