The idea of God the Father has attracted scholarly attention for centuries, especially in terms of the revelation of God’s fatherhood through the Son. Strangely, the connection between God and his redeeming activity as Father has not been explored in depth. This book takes up the challenge to keep the christological perspective in balance with the Father-God motif that has its roots in the Old Testament and is more prominent in the Second Temple period than sometimes acknowledged. For Paul, God is the Father who redeems. The Old Testament imagery that shaped Israel’s conception of God’s interaction with them, and was a basis for God’s future restoration of the nation despite their unfaithfulness, is central to Paul’s explanation of the new salvific act of God the Father in Christ, the faithful and obedient Son.
Om författaren
Svetlana Khobnya is Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester (UK). She is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene, a member of the Tyndale Fellowship Society, the British New Testament Society and the Wesleyan Theological Society. This book is based on her Ph D thesis submitted to the University of Manchester in 2011.