INTERACTIVE AND FUN. Join Ivry on an exciting adventure as she celebrates her birthday. For ages 4 -8.
Birthdays are a special day where fun never ends! ’A Dance in the Rain’ is a beautiful birthday gift to show kids how much and how far their parents can go to appreciate them.
Ivry wanted to dance in the rain so badly, but mum and dad said no to everything she asked! This book teaches emotional skills, interacts, and empowers kids to have fun and be creative about what they set their minds to do.
The fun never ends, you know, especially when you set your mind and energy to it without distractions. Who knows, it may open a magical door somewhere just like it did for the little celebrant into the World Of Dance.
This book is a great gift idea and a must-have for kids who love to be creative and have fun on their special day. Your kids will love this fun, exciting and adventurous book.